Monday, September 21, 2009

Saturday Night Prayer

For the past 4 weeks we have been gathering on Saturday evening to pray for our Sunday meetings. We have been making the following declarations each week.

Eight Declarations for Heartland Christian Center and Bashkesia e Ungjillit
(By Guest Speaker Pastor Jim Hilbrant, October 28, 2007)

God is saying:

1. This is the house of the Lord’s favor.
2. This is the house of My mercy.
3. This is the house of healing and deliverance.
4. This is the house of preparation and equipping.
5. This is the house of sending forth.
6. This is the house of the Father’s heart.
7. This is the house of My Presence.
8. This is the house of the Father’s Love.

We said Saturday night from 5:00pm - 6:00pm is not for personal ministry, but to pray for the services on Sunday, for our church and all the churches preaching the Gospel in Gjakova and Kosova.

“N” and his wife “R” came tonight. “R” has been visiting a few weeks now, and “N” would arrive after service for the past 2 weeks. “N” has been diagnosed with serious depression, after being separated from his children by divorce, and is on heavy medication. Well, imagine my surprise when I saw him sitting in the back while we prayed and worshiped. We had just finished the song, “Everything” by Hillsong, when he disappeared (not like transported but as in he had left the building). His wife stayed and we finished up our time with that song again. “R” and the others there loved it. We personally felt a new level of breakthrough in the area of freedom of expression in worship. In the past we have experienced much mocking and intimidation. Afterward, “R” was telling Kathi how nervous her husband had become and his head was hurting bad so he had left. Just then he showed up at the door. His wife was nervous that he would not take well to receiving prayer. I asked if we could pray for his headache and he said yes. I felt we needed to come against this depression and mind binding spirit and as we did a boldness rose up and I asked him if he wanted to be free, he said yes. I asked him if he had received Jesus as Lord of his life and he said no. I asked him if he wanted to and he said yes. I asked him if he believed Jesus could and would set him free, he said yes. The translator and I led him through a prayer of repentance and commanded the spirit of infirmity to leave. His countenance was completely different and he could hardly stand when we finished praying. I gave him a bible, read and underlined the verse 2 Timothy 1:7 about a sound mind and he was smiling. This was a first. Because of his medication there was little or no emotion evident in him. We believe he was delivered and set free and is sure of his salvation now. “R”, who accepted and confessed Jesus as her Savior also, will be in one of Kathi's pre-encounter groups and I’ll be taking “N” through one also.

Praise God! We had prayed this evening for God to interrupt our plans, so He did and a husband and wife got saved at the prayer meeting. God's so funny!

Al and Kathi

Friday, September 18, 2009

It was only a house visit


These are the testimonies from Tuesday.
I met with As to talk about faithfulness. He had invited a man, the man who gave his heart to Jesus Sunday. I wanted to follow up and get As involved with the consolidation process. As we met we spoke of faithfulness and lining up with the system we have to work with. He agreed and we went off to see this man. We began to cover the consolidation process and talk about his decision from Sunday. This led right into the first week of the Pre-encounter book. The man sat with a blank stare for 15 minutes before he said" I have never heard these words you are speaking". This man is a barber and received a customer so we left and set a time to return later.
We then went to visit one of our new families. I call them B and Co. because B is the oldest of two brothers who have married two sisters. B is the father of 5 children. His wife, El and he have received Jesus as their Lord. Sister H just had a baby Sunday which was, to our knowledge, the purpose of our visit. God had another plan. Kathi had put together a new arrival basket with some baby clothes, diapers and misc. items we received from a local NGO. As we spoke with H I heard B from the other room. His wife, El said he was sick. I walked into the other room and he was sitting on the floor. He had been there all day. He could not stand or walk. He had no feeling in his legs. I picked him up and put him on the couch and got Kathi and As from the other room. We prayed for healing to his legs and body and suddenly he stiffened out like a board and yelled. Then he went limp and began to cry. I helped him up and asked if he could walk he said it was better but he still could not feel his feet. We prayed again and we laid hands on the bump on the back of his neck. This time as we tried to walk he started weeping and praising Jesus. He was bending his toes under and back checking in grateful amazement at his healing. I asked him if he was ok and he said ok, ok praise Jesus! His children were all right there watching the whole thing.
As, who was beside himself with excitement, noticed B had two pictures on the wall that glorified Islam. As asked me if he could recommend they be taken out and I said yes. He told B that was a false God and there was only room for one God in the house. B, WALKED, over to the pictures saying" there is only one God in this house and He is Jesus" and took the pictures out of the house to the firewood pile. On his own two feet.
One of the other stops we were going to make was to see Sh, the man who Jesus appeared, uninvited, to last week in his house, and told him to "come to Me!" We were stopping by our house to drop off Kathi and Sh was standing in front of our house and asked if we would walk with him. We started back to meet with S, the man who received Jesus Sunday, and I told As to share what he just saw at B's. As was so excited he couldn't walk and talk at the same time so we stood in the alley while As told of the healing he had just witnessed. Sh's eyes grew large and he was getting excited as well.
We, the 3 of us, went to S and started to finish the pre-encounter lesson when S said" I hope someday I can tell people what you are telling me now". We said "YOU CAN! I explained that it was ok to make mistakes when sharing and he would learn on the way. Did I mention S is a barber with a large clientele? S was like a bottle that had just been un-corked, much like As, he started asking questions and praising God and looking for life change in his own life. This was exciting to me as he never understood the relationship with God but was willing to believe.
Last Sunday we had 2 visitors who couldn't make it to church due to a death in the family, one family, representing 3 adults and 5 children, who were unable to come because one was having a baby. We had some of the regulars who couldn't come. We had 3 people sitting on the floor plus 14 children in the downstairs children's ministry and 4 in the nursery. We only have 24 chairs, please pray.
The shifting that was prophesied, by Prophetess Jenny Ntia, while we were there in America is happening here NOW! And we believe it's only begun.
Please pray. We need more chairs! Praise God!
We looked and are checking on a larger building here in Gjakova for our meetings. We have one in our sights but we want God's perfect one.
We need a new van(s)to transport people to church with their children.
Pray for the release of God's finances there and here. We know He is bringing in the harvesters and as Pastor Jim always said "God's will God's bill".

Al and Kathi

God's doing it!

8/17/09 – 8/23/09

God’s doing it!

As we were doing home visits last week, Kathi was able to pray for some women who felt the presence and power of God through prayer. One older woman who asked for prayer for physical healing kept saying “Nzete po vjen” heat is coming. Another, who needed physical healing “melted” into her seat breathing deeply. She had been unable to take any good breaths previously. We were also able to encourage many, and we saw the hope that Jesus brings beginning to stir in them.

A child (3 yrs old) of one of the new believers was sick in bed with a fever when we arrived at their home. Kathi sat on the floor beside her and quietly prayed for her. She was up and about without a fever before we left! This same family’s infant was burning up with a fever Sunday morning and it instantly broke while praying for him!

Sh, is a 26 year old man, who had previously been being discipled by me and had decided to return to “the Muslim faith” because it was easier. I met him on the street Tuesday and we began to talk. He had been taking medication for his mental state when we first met two years ago but we had been seeing much progress before he left the church. He was now back on the med’s and was looking as though he was sleep walking. He told me he stays in his room all day and hardly ever goes out. He was hopeless, and discouraged to the point where his mother had told him to come and see me on several occasions. Previously his mother, a Muslim woman, had been against his “wasting time in that church”. Now because of his state of mind is encouraging him to come and see us. I was able to encourage him that we still love him and God still loves him. I told him to come to the house when he wants to visit. He came to the house on Wednesday and we talked about repentance and forgiveness and I assured him of the love of God and us. Friday when he came to the house he looked like a different man. He was alert and in his right mind, not drugged to a sleepy state. I asked him what had changed and he said, oh so casually,” I have been repenting”!!!!!! GOD IS GOOOOOD!!!!!!! He hasn’t made the decision to come to church yet but has shown great desire to re-establish his relationship with Jesus and the people of God. We see God moving on the prodigals as well as the new folks and anything God is doing is HUGE!

We had 3 first-time visitors Sunday morning!

Z (24 yr old man from the village) told me, in a conversation we had last week, that the Muslim religion is the same as Christianity. He saw no reason to switch or encourage his new wife to leave her religion. He came Sunday with Albert. Z has not been coming to church for some time but we keep contact and a friendship going. Albert had also invited another man, who they both knew, from a nearby village. During announcements right after worship yesterday, Z would not stop talking to this visitor friend. I saw him rubbing his arms as he continued to talk with this man. I asked Z to please hold his conversation until after announcements. After announcements he quickly appeared behind me with a very anxious look on his face. He said,”Jesus was touching my arm.” Through the translator I learned that during worship he felt a soft touch on his arm and didn’t know what it was. He closed his eyes for a second to pray and he saw Jesus touching his arms gently and lovingly. Letting him know he is loved. This is what he was sharing with the visitor, the physical touch of Jesus on his body. This guy didn’t think there was a difference between the Muslim faith and Christianity! Praise God He is busy. I was able to share with Z that Jesus was confirming His love for him and that he needed to allow it, not fear it and later this week when we can talk we can cement his relationship with Christ. He has prayed “the prayer of salvation”, in the past but really didn’t get it. Now with the touch of Jesus he should be more open to being discipled in it. I was able to share this testimony with all who were present and they were encouraged greatly.

An, one of the women who lived in the village, came yesterday also. She had been here previously, had gotten offended, because we couldn’t give her what she wanted when she wanted, physical aid, and she had chosen to go to another church here in town to get it. She has since gotten an apartment in town and is coming back, but with a different attitude. She told Kathi yesterday, after Kath had explained what a pastor does, that she would not be going to any other church and she wanted to be pastored by Kathi. She said she remembers all the intercession we made for her and her family. She asked for prayer because she wanted peace in her heart. This is the woman who had accused us of trying to change her religion and was going to remain a Muslim.

Vi, who has been faithful to come to church for over a year now, but with little commitment to being discipled, told Kathi that she was looking forward to moving into the city soon so she would be closer to Kathi and be able to spend more time with her. She said she wanted to make changes in her life and needed Kathi to help her to make these changes. We know that this happens only through the love and care of Jesus, but we take them from where they are and help bring understanding. We many times have to look past their terminology and see the need as it is and educate them. They know nothing of this new way but God is touching them and they desire change. That in it self is a miracle.

We are excited by what we see God doing here in Gjakova. Please continue to pray for more of what He desires to do here.

Thank you,
Al and Kathi