Sunday, October 9, 2011

James 1: 2-8 Consider it all joy...

This week had interesting days.
The devil tried to attack and discourage us personally on many fronts, “BUT, GOD” had a different plan. Our decision to obey God and not man has come with a price. The price has been relational as well as financial. Proverbs 15:16 says “Better a little with the fear of the LORD than great wealth with turmoil.” God is a God of overcoming and in Him we shall overcome! John 16:33 (Amp) says “I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have [perfect] peace and confidence. In the world you have tribulation and trials and distress and frustration; but be of good cheer [take courage; be confident, certain, undaunted]! For I have overcome the world. [I have deprived it of power to harm you and have conquered it for you.]” Hallelujah!!
Tuesday we came into situations where the enemy of our souls was trying to bring divisions among the women of the church. We had guests arriving from America on Friday and had much to prepare before Saturday. The timing was not good, as the execution of the plans required everyone working together.  Kathi was able to speak directly to the situation, in love, and work through the issues each one had. By applying the love of Christ and the Word of God these women each saw their own need and worked through their differences. The results were a cooperative cleaning and preparation effort for a very special “family supper” to include our guests.  We’re making flia.

Flia is a traditional pie type of meal made with flour, egg, yogurt and cheese. It is cooked over an open fire by heating a metal cover and then placing that cover on top of the pan of flia batter. This cooks the flia from the top. After the flia has been browned on each of at least 6 layers it is baked for approximately 20 minutes to finish the process. Flia is a special treat that takes several hours for each pan to prepare, but is oh so good. The ladies worked together on it all day, and after church service on Saturday we shared a special feast with all the family and guests. This food is very filling and we were able to feed a total of 31 people with enough left over for each of the families to take home.

We had received some school supplies, clothing, coats and shoes from Smile, Int’l., a British NGO, who has a facility on site here. Saturday we were able to combine that with some additional school supplies we purchased through financial donations, and outfitted 3 families. Our friends from Tulsa helped organize and distribute the school supplies and clothing. Six of the 7 children had not been able to go to school because they did not have the proper supplies needed. As a bonus we were able to supply some clothing and coats to the parents as well. They were all feeling very blessed.

Worship Saturday was fun and exciting as the people are learning how to “be free” to worship. They are less inhibited and the result is more exuberant worship times. Praise God for freedom and understanding of true worship to our God. “God will not pass over hungry hearts”.

We are seeking funds to return to The U.S. yet this year. Please pray as we need airline tickets and operating money while there. The needs of the ministry here continue even though we are there. This requires additional funds for travel and our time of rest and refreshing with our home church.  We also have plans to visit other churches as doors open to do so. Please pray for funds, open doors to other churches and the opportunity to return for some rest and refreshing. Al has not been back to America since July of 2009 and we have not spent Christmas together there with our families since 2005.