Sunday, July 17, 2011

The week in miracles

 This week has been a week full of ministry,restoration, healings and provision. We saw great spiritual warfare take place in the church over the past several weeks. Satan is not happy with the vision God has for this place and has tried to destroy it. Through pride and offenses, early in the week the church had been divided greatly. This week God used us, as well as those who are praying with us, to minister to each person involved and see restoration in relationships. Kathi worked with each woman separately and led them to a place of healing. We watched offenses being forgiven, repentance of sins and unity restored. What a Great God!
 Earlier this week one of the babies, 8 months old and weighing 11 lbs., from a family in the church, was sick. The parents had taken her to the Dr. and gotten prescriptions for her but could not afford to buy the medicine. We were able to get the medicine needed and give it to the parents.
 Friday one of the women in church ended up in the hospital from lack of food and water combined with heat well over 90. She walks 1/2 hour to work each day in the intense heat of the day for 4 euros. She was dehydrated and feeling very weak. She received an IV of saline and an injection for the pain. We were able to take her home after we stopped and bought some food for her family and some bottled water. Her neighborhood has not had running water these past few days. Because of some poor financial decisions, they had been doing without food except when they come to the FLC 3 times per week. She is doing better now and continues to feel stronger.
 One of the men I,Al, am working with has been going through a very difficult season. Because of the lack of work and the great need in his home he had been very angry lately and confessed to having considered going back to his old way of getting what he wanted/ needed which was to steal it. I was able to sit with him on Friday and Holy Spirit ministered to him. As I repented to him for a mistake I had made with him something broke. I shared with him that Holy Spirit had been showing us something was wrong and we had to wait for him to come to us with it. As we talked about sin and restoration he suddenly got up from his chair and asked me to pray with him. He repented for his sins before the Lord and I immediately saw a difference in his countenance. Later that day he went to his wife and asked forgiveness for the sins he had committed against her. Last night after church our translator came to me and asked," did you talk with this man or did he come to me on his own"? I said yes I had talked to him about something he had said to her a few days earlier which was not nice. I had told him, just before worship, he should not have done that and he immediately went to her and repented. He said he wanted to do that before worship started. She said,"that is just not normal for a man to do that here, especially to a woman, that is not the culture here". She has been seeing a difference in the work God is doing and using us to do.
 As we prayed for people after service one woman was healed from a sore throat and back pain. Another was healed from stomach, back and head pain. Praise God!
 Needless to say, it has been a full and satisfying week.
 God's Spirit is tearing holes in the darkness here in this corner of Kosova. What an awesome time and awesome privilege to be in the midst of it.
Today we rest and study.
We love you all,
Al and Kathi