Monday, December 6, 2010

An exciting week!

It was a good week!

We had a very encouraging time with Pastors Daryl and Debbie Snyder from Vlore, Albania, who arrived Sunday evening.  They shared a great teaching with everyone Monday night and gave us some prophetic insights that helped ease some of the warfare we had been feeling.  Pastor Daryl took a special offering for Didarja, a lady in our church whose husband is in prison, to obtain one of the containers that used to be used at the village we worked in.  There is no cost for the container, but the transport fees would be 150 euro.  The offering totaled 84.90 euro.  That night I wrote a letter to some friends in Tulsa and they donated the remaining 65 euro needed.

Pastors Daryl and Debbie left on Wed. morning and we got back to our regular routine and getting ready for Kathi’s second of two women’s days.  Little did we know, God had some additional plans for our week.

We went to see the man who would do the paperwork about the container/ house for Didarja.  He is the neighborhood director of this particular minority area.  This is also the area where a lot of the children we have been ministering to live.  When we located him he was visiting in the neighborhood assessing damages.  The houses there had been flooded out during the night when the river overflowed from 2 weeks of rain.  They asked us to come and see each of the houses.  As we went, each one showed us how the water had come in a meter high and ruined food stores, clothing, bedding, cooking units, and other items.  Everything was wet and muddy, including wood.  The power had to be turned off to the area for safety reasons.  Some had been able to stop the water from coming in, but had little or no opportunity to dry anything out.  It was still raining and chilly.

Our hearts were broken for these families as we had no financial resources to help them, and more rain was forecasted for the next several days.  I told them that we are a small church with a Big God and we would pray for them and see what God would have us do.  I suddenly felt a warm breeze coming through this area and the rain stopped.  I later found out that Kathi, who was with a group of the women in the same area, had prayed that God would send a warm breeze to help dry out the houses and belongings.  Pretty cool right?  We left them without any promises other than we will pray.

As we drove toward home we saw Didarja walking to work. We gave her a ride and God started laying things on our heart.  She works for a bakery near the hospital. When we dropped her off the boss was there.  We decided to ask him if he could help or maybe give a discounted price on some bread.  He said he only had samunes.  A samune is a more expensive specialty bread that is very tasty and filling.  He asked how many we wanted and we told him 70. God moved on his heart and he gave us all 70 at no charge, AND told us to come back the next day and he would help with some other bread.  Kathi felt we needed to go to the vegetable guy and see what he could help with.  He said “what do you want”.  We told him there were 15 families who needed help and whatever he could do was appreciated.  He gave us 15 bags of potatoes, 15 heads of cabbage and a crate of onions at no charge.  Praise God!  The families were very excited to receive this food as they had not eaten since the day before.  The bread would hold them until they could make means to cook the rest.

Again on our way home, Kathi said let’s stop at the church who sells used clothes out of the basement, and see if he can help with some blankets.  He gave us 14 large wool blankets at no charge and said let him know what else he could do.  We were excited!
One of the other pastors in town found out about what we were doing, and asked what was needed.  I told him most of them could use some pallets to get their stuff off the floor so he went hunting.  He called later and said he found some but the man wanted them back as he had a deposit on them.  I told him the people needed them and probably would not return them.  The man GAVE 10 pallets and delivered them to the neighborhood within the hour NO CHARGE! This same church asked if they could supply some homemade soup and some bread to help feed these folks something warm.  We were able to use the new “Family Life Center” in that neighborhood to feed 45-50 people a hot meal plus juice on Thursday, with the help of several ladies from that church, and another 25-30 on Friday

Thursday, a couple local Christian organizations together donated shoes, clothing, blankets, mattresses, 100 kilos of flour and various other food supplies for us to distribute for these flood victims.  Friday morning we went back to the bakery and bought, at a discounted price, 70 more samunes to feed the neighborhood.

It is great serving the Lord and seeing the Christian community come together in times of need.

Kathi held the women’s day outreach for this area on Saturday.  There were several women that came from the neighborhood that we had not met before, along with those we had.  It was a time of fun and pampering which the women really enjoyed even in the midst of catastrophe.  They were blessed.  As Kathi shared the love of Jesus and how special each one is to Him, some of the women were in tears.

The director of the community for these folks came to church with his brother yesterday. He said other than us, the Christian community, they had received 500 euro from the city-wide ministry for minorities.  That 500 euro served 25 families.   He said it was a blessing just to know someone cares for these people.  He also enjoyed church very much.  At the end of the service he had gone out and returned with a woman and her son.  When we asked about her coming, this man had met them while he was out and invited them to come in to rest a little and get warm.   She, of course, was welcomed and given attention by Kathi and Didarja.   Apparently he felt comfortable enough there to bring others in.

 We are praying for further support for these folks as there are still 13 families with desperate need.
Inside one house, the waterline form the previous nights' flood is still visible.
Everything is covered in mud, making cleaning up difficult and time consuming.
Clothes donated to families were a welcome relief from the cold and wet.
Each family was greatly blessed by what they received.
The swollen river flowing just feet away from the walls of several homes.
Blankets distributed helped keep families warm and dry through this difficult time.
Even as the water recedes, mud and filth is left behind, making for difficult clean-up.
The path the flooded river followed through the area, washing out houses as it went.
Standing water is present in almost every home.

Families affected by the flooding.
Everything is covered with mud, soaking wet and ruined.
Everyone is eager to help distribute the much-needed food supplies.

Even houses with multiple floors felt the affects of the flooding in their basements.

Provision donated by the man at the vegetable market; each a staple item for every home.
Donated Samuns to feed the flood victims.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

November Updates!!

Hello friends and family! God has been keeping us very busy! There are many new things happening that we would like to share with you!

   As some of you may know, we recently opened a second church location in Gjakova. We call it “The Family Life Center”. This is a new adventure for us, and God has been showing us His great plans for this new location. Little by little we have been preparing this building for a training center for the Roma community where it is situated. From this location we believe God is leading us to train up families in kingdom living, hold practical life lessons for church members who are poor and under educated, and open a food distribution center. This building will also be a guest house for mission teams, a second children’s ministry location, cell groups, teen outreach, and soon a meeting place for weekly Church services.
Family Life Center

      When we first came to this building, it was a mess. The floors are unfinished concrete. The rooms were empty except for a few old boxes, a lot of dirt, and some not-so-friendly looking spiders that had moved in and taken up residence. Some of the windows and glass doors were broken and in need of repair. Much work was needed.

Main room for Ministry

    We are very excited about this vision God has given us and, we are working hard to get the ball rolling. Through your contributions we have been able to purchase enough carpet for one of the small rooms we are turning into a kitchen. This room is designed for fellowship, food distribution, and small, informal group meetings.  We are slowly adding to the amount of furnishings in an attempt to make this Family Center more functional. We do still need blessings and contributions to pay for more furnishings. We have been blessed with the opportunity to purchase many needed items for a very low price. Please be in prayer for guidance in how you may help support this vision.
Training for Worship!

In October we opened this new location with a second children’s ministry program. Since then, the number of children attending Saturday morning kids group has grown to well over 50 children between the two locations, and we expect this number to continue to grow! Each week, in addition to the large number of children ages 5 to 13, we see several teenagers who are milling about outside the gates, curious as to what their little brothers and sisters were doing. We see this as an open door for a youth ministry in the near future. Please be in prayer for God’s guidance in this area, as we are stretched for workers and funds.

Teaching Time!

Your contributions have helped support the children’s ministry through games, prizes, sharing the Word of God and the love of Jesus enabling us to touch many under privileged children. It is such a blessing to our hearts to see their smiling faces and receive their hugs and kisses every time we see them; even when we see them walking around town! God’s work through us has made a visible impact on their lives!


Annual Women’s Day Outreach!!

Preparing for the Women's Day!
Every year, Kathi puts together a special day for the women in the church, and as an outreach to their neighbors. Women are much under-appreciated in this culture, and a day especially for them is a very special event. On the last Saturday of November, and again on the first Saturday in December, we will be hosting our 3rd annual Women’s Day outreach. These are the kinds of events we plan to host in the new Family Life Center. 

Queen for a day, dancing to the beat of the traditional tambourine!


The annual Women’s Days include a crafts project, food, games, prizes, and a time of friendship and encouraging, usually hosting 30+ women at one time. This is a great blessing to the women. We put together gift packs, from donated items, for each woman to take home, with some basic necessities such as soap and shampoo, as well as some small gifts they may not otherwise get due to lack of income. 

Craft time!

We are very excited about these special days, and ask that you be praying for wisdom and direction how to best minister to these women.

Women from different subcultures working together!


We want to thank you all for your continued support through prayers and finances! We know God has big plans for us in this place, and we look forward to what He will do next!

God Bless,

Al and Kathi Zickefoose

If you would like to support the work God is doing through Al and Kathi in Kosova, or if you are not yet on the newsletter mailing list and would like to be, please send your contact information to for more information.  Please send tax deductible contributions payable to: 
Heartland Christian Center, 1741 Oakhill Rd., Wooster, Ohio  44691 and write Kosova-Z on the memo line.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

September Updates!!!


 Just wanted to share our week with you and some testimonies! Our friends encouraged us to post what we actually do on a daily basis.
 Sunday: We picked up our friends in Prishtine to stay with us for the week.  We bought medicine for Hasimja, a lady in our church, who is pregnant with twins and had a bladder infection.
 Monday: We went to the home of a 14 year old girl who had 2 previous heart surgeries and the Dr. says she needs another. We prayed for her healing in Jesus name as the Muslim family joined in and agreed.  She said she felt something as we prayed. Follow up required.
Tuesday: We helped to supply medicine for Didarje for a severe kidney infection. We also took our visitors to see the location of the rebuilding a house project and while we were there we prayed for a little girl who had been hit by a car. Jerry and Diana, our visitors, have volunteered to lead the rebuilding mission team next year. We also went to talk with the owner of a house for a new Family Life center in the middle of the Roma neighborhood, and he agreed to our terms of renting. He is blind , only for now, and they said they felt very good about us and the sister said she saw something in Kathi's face that made her feel happy.
 Wednesday:  We emptied half our freezer to help Arton and Didarje with some food, went to Prizren, prayed over the city from the castle overlooking it. We then had a meeting with Besim's sisters. The one who verbally attacked us a few weeks ago apologized! God is good!
 Thursday: We had cell group with the Roma people in the church, and Jerry shared on work ethics Kingdom style. Afterward, Jerry and I met with the guys from the city.
 Friday: We met with Val and Howard from Samaritan's Purse for dinner. We all had a great time! Howard knew of a guy who may have a job for Arton.
 Saturday: We held our weekly Children’s ministry and also held English lessons for Arton and Berati. Later, we dropped our guests off at their destination for working with the medical team.  Danielle made the first paper bag apple pie of the season last night and we went delivering pieces of pie at 10:30 last night. Astrit was at work so we even took him some fresh milk to go with the pie. Drive by Blessings!
 Besim stays here on Saturday nights after riding the bus from Prizren to help with the children in the morning. He is learning many Spiritual lessons through "Hand and Foot". He has also become part of our family!
Sunday: Sunday morning was awesome. Strong Spirit of God there. Kath started praying at 9:00a.m. and service starts at 10:00. Those who filter in begin to worship and pray. We started with worship. Half way through the first song I noticed Beni at the door looking very depressed. I was standing in the back so I greeted him. He looked like he was having trouble getting in the door. I don't usually acknowledge those who come in late while worshipping but this time I did. He came in and I just put my arm around his shoulder. He rested his head on my chest as though he was so tired. I continued to worship and soon realized God had touched him and he was out! I laid him on the floor where he stayed until the end of worship. He said God was revealing Himself as the Truth while he was on the floor. He had had a run in with some Jehovah’s Witnesses whom had tried to confuse him but God has shown him the truth.
Worship time was great and we felt the presence of God in the church. I preached on Matt.10:7 and emphasized AS you go. After, we asked if any wanted prayer. A couple guys from the village came in late and asked for prayer. They have been on the fringes for some time and only came because they were sick and wanted prayer!!!!! God touched both of them physically and healed their ailment as well as giving them a word of encouragement about committing 100%. One of them said they felt a burning sensation in the small of their back. He hadn't realized Kath had her hand on him. Her other hand was cold.  Albert was having back trouble again for 3 days before service but after worship, he had been healed. We prayed for him and Violetta and they both felt God doing something physically. They asked for prayer, “just for fun" but received much more. God was showing them some areas of compromise they needed to let go of and we encouraged them in that. Kathi had a word about their relationship and how God wants to use them. They should be moving into town in 2 weeks, to the new apartment and out of the village. Oct.5th is the new date.
All in all God was faithful and blessed us greatly. What an honor to serve Him like this.
 Besim also stopped by in the morning before church to let us know Liza just had a baby boy #6!

God has been incredibly busy through us! We are excited to see what’s next! More updates coming soon!

Al and Kathi

Monday, September 13, 2010

New and Exciting News!

 With the changing of the season, a new school year begins and so does our new kids program! This weekend, we started a new kids program, having Saturday morning children's church for all of the kids we have been reaching out to, and more that want to join in! We had so much fun with the kids, and it was obvious that they were having fun too! We were able to incorporate a teaching into fun activities, music, games, and snacks, and every game winner got to pick out a special prize to take home! We are hoping that the ministry to these children will overflow into their homes, and draw the parents in with the love of Jesus.

 September promises to bring many wonderful blessings from God! And it has already begun!
After we had finished the morning with the children, we were able to visit with one of the families in the church for a bit. When we arrived, the sisters' 1 month old baby, Jona, was sick and had not been sleeping. Kathi took Jona in her arms and prayed for God to touch and heal her. Less than 10 minutes later, the baby was sleeping in Kathi's arms, healed! Praise God! This was such a testimony to the parents and family as well, of God's love and mercy!

Kathi and Jona
Simon says raise your hands!
Good Morning God!!
Dancing for Jesus!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

40 Day Fast Food Fast!

In Kosova, wood burning stoves are the primary source of heat and cooking. However, the price of wood has doubled this year, due to police being more strict on who and where people can get wood.
There are several families in our church that do not have the finances to supply food for their families, let alone wood for the winter months. In light of this situation, we are presenting you with a new challenge, to raise money to help these poor families get through the winter months.
We are hosting a 40 Day Fast Food Fast! For 40 days, starting September 22, we are asking you to sacrifice at least one fast food drink or meal once a week, and donate the money you would spend on those meals or drinks towards the purchase of food and firewood for these families. How does this work?
Fast at least one fast food meal or drink each week. For example, one Grande Mocha from Starbucks per week can add up to $25 over 40 days. One fast food meal could easily add up to $50 over 40 days. Imagine what a family of 4 could accomplish! $50 would buy enough firewood to heat a family's home for a month. $100 would feed a family of 4 for an entire month.

No participation is too small! Every dollar helps!

If you are up to the challenge, please let us know that you will be joining us in fasting by sending an email to:

At the end of the 40 days, send your gifts to:
U.S. Participants:
Heartland Christian Center
1741 Oak Hill Road
Wooster, OH 44691

UK Participants:
 Ursula French
35a Playford Road
Ipswitch, IP4 5QZ

Please indicate FFF on all donations

Medical Help and Food

This week two of the families in the church had need of medical assistance for their children. 11 month old Elmir and 13 month old Edonis contracted chickenpox. In addition, 9 year old Leonita had an eye infection. Fortunately, we were able to call a doctor friend, who was on vacation. This doctor was willing to take her vacation time to go to the families and assist them with diagnosing and recommending treatment for each condition. This doctor has seen the work that God is doing through us, and was willing to sacrifice her time to help out. After the doctor had seen and diagnosed each child, she prescribed 5 different prescriptions to treat the problems. We were able to get these prescriptions filled through your financial gifts and blessings.
In addition to the medical assistance, we were also able to provide these families, and another, with some peppers and a few essentials to help see them through the week. In total we were able to bless 3 families with food, and 2 families with medical assistance. We are continuing to provide milk to these families, but they are still in great need of food on a consistent basis.

Monday, August 16, 2010

New and Exciting!!

We have had an exciting week here. God has been Busy!
One lady who has been very faithful to the church, whose husband has been in jail for 4 years, got a great surprise Monday as he was releases 6 months early. He had given his life to Christ while still in prison due to his wife's testimony. Favor of God I say! He and 4 others were baptized Saturday evening.

We are starting another new church plant in a nearby city. Friday evening, as we were at this guys' house where we are starting the church, as we were strategizing and talking about how important the presence of God is, this man's house keeper came in and was telling us how bad things are for her daughter. Long story short, we prayed for her and she felt the presence and peace of God. Then she recieved Jesus as Lord and Savior! The group doubled the first night! She not only plans to return this week, but also to bring her daughter. 

To cap off the week, we had a guy come forward after service yesterday and ask for prayer. I asked him what he needed and he said he wanted to be free of alcohol. We prayed and saw physical manifestations of spiritual activity. Within minutes, about 2 or 3, he was set free! Praise God for sweatless victories!!!!!!!!


Al and Kathi Zickefoose

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Romans 8:28

Romans 8:28 God causes all things to work together for good….

Yesterday I had decided to stay in. The weather wasn’t the best and I just wanted to hang out at home. A couple of families in the church are struggling financially and have asked for help with food. We are not in a position to help them and that is difficult for me. I know they need to seek God for provision as do we. I had gotten a call that some visit cards I had ordered, through another church youth group doing a fund raiser, were done and ready to be delivered. This required going to the bank for cash. I REALLY didn’t want to go. At first I even put it off by telling them I didn’t have the cash and asking if it could wait. My loving wife reminded me that integrity is not ordering something I am not ready to pay for. So I reluctantly went to the bank for the money. Adding to my concern that this had been a short month financially and waiting to see God’s hand in all this. I went to the branch near the house, as opposed to the closer ATM, thinking the little extra walk would do me good and give me some alone time. I got to the bank and tried the ATM there and it wouldn’t work. I wish I could say this did not affect my attitude…but that would not be true. So, I went to wait in line for the teller to retrieve the 15 euro. The guy at the window seemed to take FOREVER. I waited patiently for him, no really I did not allow my frustration to show. The manager, who had just returned from lunch and whom I have a casual relationship with, came and asked if I had been waiting long. I told him the ATM wasn’t working and so I was waiting for the teller. He went over and looked and the machine was working. As I walked toward the machine he said he wanted to ask me a question when I was finished taking money. After I took half, 15 euro, of what we have for the rest of the month, I was battling to keep my focus on all God has provided for us and how He has made promises of providing for our needs, there stood the manager with a very serious look on his face. He and his colleague have asked in the past, “do you always smile” to which I have been able to plant seeds for the Gospel, but this look was serious. He said” do you know where I can get a Bible in Shqip?” All the previous concerns were destroyed as I knew God had sent me there. So of course I said yes. He insisted he would pay for it which led me to believe he wanted to study it for comparison to the Koran. I walked to the house to drop off the money for the cards then proceeded straight to the church where we had some brand new Bibles. I also included some other literature and put it all in a bag that could not be seen through, for discretion reasons, and headed back to the bank. The manager met me at the door and asked if I had time for a coffee. I said yes and we went around the corner to a local restaurant and spent about an hour visiting. He said he wanted a Bible in Shqip because even though his English skills are good the KJV he has is confusing. I gave him the Bible as a gift and told him that if he found the same truth in it I have that would be payment enough for me. Through our conversation I found out he had graduated high school in Pennsylvania and was there 2 years. He had been exposed to Christianity but was claiming to be Muslim. As of late he has been searching out different religions such as Bektashi (specific sect of the Muslim religion), Christianity, etc. I was able to share the Bible and some of why we are here but mostly I felt I was to listen and not try to convince him of anything. He responded very well and shared much of his story and his family with me. His brother lives in Cleveland, Ohio and has converted to “Christainity”. His brother had recently visited and stirred even more questions in him. I told him if he had any questions to call me which he responded very positively to. When I suggested getting together on a regular basis he responded with “I would like that very much”.
On my way back to the house I realized I had been set up by God for this very important meeting. I wondered about whether or not I should have more assertively presented the Gospel and got a peace that what I shared was exactly what he needed to hear. I also realized that God has a way bigger plan for us than we even know or see. His timing in all this was interesting. Our financial …..issues…are so small in comparison to His plan. Please be praying for wisdom on how to continue with presenting the Gospel to this man who, as a bank manager, has much influence in the community.
He, the bank manager, has recently had some interesting conversations with his 4 year old son. His mother died in 2005. His son asked “dad where is grandma?” He responded, she lives in the sky now, not knowing how deeply he should go with a 4 year old and being a little confused himself. His son seemed to be ok with this answer for a few days, but then came back to his father accusing him of lying. He was confused when the son said,” dad grandma doesn’t live in the sky.” He responded, “she doesn’t?” The son said,” no, only the white thing inside her goes up to the sky.” He laughed at the understanding of a 4 year old and figured he had seen something on TV that led him to such a conclusion. A few days later his son came to him and said, “dad, I don’t want to go to the sky and live with grandma right now.” He said, “son you have a long time to go before that happens. You will grow up, get married, have children and be a grandpa before that happens.” His son replied,” O.K. then it will be good; but, for now I don’t want to live in the sky cause sometimes I wet the bed and I don’t want to make the clouds all yellow”. I laughed very hard when he shared that story with me.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

So much to do! So much to share!

This month has been full of God’s goodness and grace. We have been able to provide for people’s needs, spend time with Papa God, and get renewed and refreshed for what He has coming next. 

Just a few weeks ago, God impressed upon us to bless a young man who has recently committed his life to Christ, and is an active part of the church. We were able to give him a nice bicycle that had been gifted to us previously. He and his family live a few miles from the church, just outside Gjakova. The family has no automobile and this is the only bicycle in the house. One would have thought we had just given him the keys to a new car. His excitement was worth it all. This was a blessing not only for him but his family also. It is such a joy for us to see God provide for them in this way. 
June 3-5 we attended the Stir Up the Flame conference hosted by Pastors Daryl and Debbie Snyder of our affiliate church in Vlore, Albania. Graham and Jean Hepple, Southeast Region Coordinators of Catch the Fire Ministries UK, as well as Pastor Barry Ogden and Lynda Sergeant of the Strategic Prayer Center in Tirana were the speakers and ministers at the conference along with pastors Daryl and Debbie. We were so blessed by their sharing and ministry, and it was a wonderful time to relax in Papa’s love. We are now more refreshed and renewed, ready for what God has in store for us!

While in Albania, we also had the opportunity to visit and minister at our other affiliate church in Elbasan and catch up with friends there. It was encouraging to see how the church there has grown and to see God’s provision in the lives of the pastors and the congregation. We had the awesome privilege of seeing and holding the newest addition to the Gjoni family Emanuel. What a blessing he is. Then, back to Vlore for two days of rest and relaxation. We were able to see some of the Christian foundations of Albania, in a visit to an ancient city called Apolonia. There, we were able to walk through ruins of an ancient city, and the buildings that have been restored there. Among these buildings was the Saint Maria church, a grand hall, and the ruins of some of the greatest monuments in the history of Albania. There were many stone carvings depicting ancient mythology, and marble statues of the great people who dwelled there. Overall, it was amazing to see that the hand of God had been in that place, with the blessed beauty and evident prosperity of the area. 

This week we were able to host Dr. Rick Shaw, a professor at Wayland Baptist University in Texas, and his team of 15 Americans. We held a special meeting Wednesday night as a time of worship and encouragement, and some fellowship time with the team. Some of the team members gave moving testimonies that really ministered to people’s hearts. The team also sang a song in Albanian, presented a short, but powerful drama, and shared some memory versus they had learned in Albanian. It was a wonderful time in the Lord, and we thank God for giving us this opportunity and Dr. Shaw for making time in their travels to be with us. 

God is continually giving us opportunities to love on people and be His light to this nation. We would like to thank all of you for your continued prayers and support, and look forward to what God has for us next!
Al and Kathi Zickefoose

                  Dinner Time!

Be at rest once more, O my soul, for the LORD has been good to you. 
Psalm 116:7