Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Time flies when you’re having fun!
Blessed with a new job!
Praise God! He is the God Jehovah Jireh, our Provider. We received a call last week asking if we could help make supply to one of the families in the church. The reason was because he had started a steady job and needed help until he gets paid next month!! Again this is very exciting because of the 46% average of unemployment in this land not to mention the 81% rate among the Roma people. At Sunday morning service we found out his brother, who lives in the same house, had found a job as well and began Monday!  Praise God!  We also learned one of the ladies from church had work in a restaurant. God truly is the God Who provides.  Every household in the church now has employment…this is transformation!

Praise and Worship
This week we started getting back to a more regular routine with a Sunday morning praise and worship service.  Sunday morning seems to work best for most of these, now employed, people. It was another great time of praise, following a midweek worship service Wednesday, and many were excited to be joined together and focusing on God. We had several visitors in each service and could feel Holy Spirit moving on the people and through us. We prayed for one woman, who was visiting for the first time. She had been suffering with pain in her back shoulders and neck.  After we prayed for her she said she could feel a tingling from her head down her spine. We asked if this felt like a good thing or a bad thing and she said without reservation it was good. Praise God! We believe God was touching her physically. She has a great hunger to come to church and learn more about this Christ we serve. God is drawing people in and demonstrating His power!

The House of God
We are still seeking God’s perfect will for a building to operate out of. The Family Life Center is rapidly growing too small. While this is a good problem to have we need wisdom from Him on how to proceed.  We need the perfect location as well as the perfect structure to accomplish all He has for us to do.

Feeding and educating
Literally a hands on ministry
God put on one lady’s heart to buy a new sewing machine for training women how to sew. Sewing is an employable skill, not to mention very handy in the home. We will begin the sewing classes very soon.

We also need God to raise up workers. While getting a job here is a blessing, most have to work 7 days a week and 10-12 hours for little money, around $200 U.S. We need people who can work with us who are self supported or the finances to hire staff. We could hire for $250 U.S. per month some help with the children’s and feeding programs. Please pray and see how God would have you help.

Also, don't forget to check out and sign in on our new web page.