Monday, September 19, 2011

Praise God! It was a week of highs and lows…Mostly highs.

After returning from a few days sabbatical we returned to find a new hunger in the people we had been working with. As we began to resume ministry several of the ladies told Kathi they would like more time and training in “Kingdom living”. This was a great encouragement as they all committed to meeting together to develop their relationship with Jesus and learn to live in His Kingdom and not that of the world. They have a desire to become true disciples and daughters.

Each “Roma” neighborhood has what they call a director. This man is the lei sane between the people and the local government. Al met with the director of the neighborhood we are working in. As we talked I asked him “What is the greatest need in this area?” He said that 80% of the people in all Roma areas were unemployed. When I asked why, he said there is no work available. At one time Gjakova had many factories and everyone who wanted to work could. After the war factories were no longer open and remain closed today. Please pray for an influx of jobs in this area.

After several months of counseling and encouraging, Arton decided to take a job.  Back in March God had spoken to him about getting a job. He had struggled with discouragement since getting out of prison and feeling as though no one would trust him to work for them. Most employers here want you to work 12 hour days 7 days a week for 200 euro ($300) per month.  This week, after praying through all of this, he got a job offer with exactly those terms, but was believing for something that would allow him his time for church. He got another offer. The job he took gives him that time he desired for church, as well as teaching and training times, and provides a decent income. In a land of 65% unemployment he and his wife both have jobs.  Praise God!

To update you on Berati, he has been told he is too old to repeat middle school, and he must go to a private school to catch up on his studies and qualify for high school. This “private school” will cost 100 euro ($140) each year, and he will need to complete two years. Please pray God will provide for his needs in this area.  His desire is to qualify to work in the government police force.

Yesterday, Saturday, the children from one of our families were at the FLC early as it was their mom’s day to help serve. I was prompted by The Lord to give the children some of the children’s Bibles we have. They are full of easy to read Bible stories Old and New Testament with bright colored pictures in the Albanian language.  One of the brothers, an 8 year old, went around behind the house to be alone with his new gift. Kathi just happened to glance out the window to see this young soul, sitting on the ground, with his Bible opened to the place where it shows Jesus on the cross.  He was looking intently at the page and without prompting closed his eyes, threw his head back and raised his hands in worship. A little later he was in the “Great room” which we use for children’s services as well as corporate gatherings, worshiping to the music we have playing constantly while there. When I walked in he looked up at me and said, Pastor, while I was singing and worshiping I cried two times.  Kathi later asked him if he was sad or happy when he was crying and he said happy! God is touching those with a yielded heart. Thank you Jesus that you don’t look at the age of the person but the openness and purity of the heart! This same boy and his brother, who always wants to lead prayer before the meal, cried when their DVD  of “The Jesus Film” broke. They loved to watch and hear in their own language the story of their Redeemer. I am currently trying to find a replacement.

I found out this week that these same children, 3 of them who should be in school, are not in school because they do not have the proper clothing, book bags, pencils, notebooks or shoes. Their father is currently struggling with an alcohol addiction and spends what little money he makes on that instead of feeding the family.

 Very often our heart is broken over the lack of supply for the children here. It seems that the cycle of poverty continues to rage on. We know that the blood of Jesus can break this cycle. Today we feed them as we can, make provision as God supplies and love them with the Love of Jesus. The need is great and we know God has the funds ready to be released. Please pray and ask The Lord what part is yours in helping with these situations.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

God Provides!!!!!

This week we saw one of the young men that used to live in the village. He was one whom I (Al) saw great potential in and personally had given much care to. Since moving to the city and living in a new apartment the folks from the village had stopped coming to church. It is difficult as sometimes people are just looking for relief rather than healing.
As we drove in the area of his neighborhood, this now 17 year old was on the side of the road waving both arms in greeting, and smiling big. We could see that the time we had spent with him had a positive effect.  God reminded me of the time I was feeling down because of those who had come to Him and walked away. It seemed we had done all we could to show His love but they walked away anyway. I heard the Lord ask me, “Did you do it for them or did you do it for Me?”  I had to admit that we are serving Him with all of our time, efforts and support, and He loves them even more than we do.
We are praying for direction on how to follow up with those God has used us to touch before, and see them won back to the One Who loves them.

We traveled to Vlore to spend some time with our friends and oversight Pastors Daryl and Debbie Snyder, but we needed to close the Family Life Center for a week and still be able to feed the families that rely on the FLC for their meals.  Because of generous donations toward this ministry, we were able to supply 4 families with enough groceries in their homes to last until we returned  The supplies included 25 kilos of flour, oil, salt, potatoes, canned cooking tomatoes, sugar, coffee, sausage, yogurt, fresh veggies and eggs.
This was an extra special blessing to be able to deliver a supply of food in the love of Christ at this particular time. Many families get together and feast for “bajram” which is celebrating the end of a 30 day fast known as “Ramadan”.  During those 30 days they are seeking God, and we are praying they will find Him in Spirit and in Truth. These families were able to praise God for His provision through Jesus Christ on the most celebrated muslim holiday. Thank you Jesus!

Please be in prayer for Berati, one of the young men in the church.  He is in a difficult place of decision. On one hand he had missed so much school, due to responsibilities at home that the director of the school told him he has failed last year. He is now 16 years old and must repeat middle school. On the other hand he has a vague promise of learning to be a baker in the local bakery where he helps his mother work. The owner has said if he works with him for a year or so, no true commitment on time, he could hire him and actually pay him,after, between 150 and 200 euro per month. This is the average income for workers here.  Many trades are learned this way. Here they call it apprenticeship, one can work, without pay, for 2-3 years to learn a trade such as auto mechanic or plumbing after which he may or may not be hired for 200 euro per month. Most have trouble living on this income and therefore are left little option but to live with family and pool recourses. We have shared with him the importance of education but with the prejudice here it will be difficult for him to get any better work even with completing trade school.  Only the select and connected go to Gjimnaz which is the, university preparatory high school. The remainder of the poor or the minorities go to trade school to learn such trades as Hotel and Tourism which qualifies them after 2 -3 years of schooling to work in a hotel restaurant or, if they have connections, behind the reception desk for about 200 euro per month. As you can imagine this greatly discourages some from continuing their education.  Pray God’s direction and perfect will for this situation and for His peace to fill Berati and the decision he must make. 

Matthew 19:26 SAYS “But Jesus looked at them and said, ‘With men this is impossible, but all things are possible with God.’”

Bringing Hope to the hopeless!
Part of the vision of The Family Life Center is to educate and train some of these minorities’ employable skills to open opportunities for their families and their future.