Thursday, August 16, 2012

Recovering, Grace, and Gratitude

Praise God, He is faithful.  Kathi’s surgery went well and her recovery even better.  She expressed how "amazing" God was throughout the entire process. She said there was no fear, only much peace and security, and could feel The Lord with her through every step.  At two weeks after her surgery we have just finished caring for a mission’s team with two packed-full days of ministry, not to mention the very hard work that we put in for 4 days to prepare for their arrival.  
Friday, August 3, we were notified that the place we had been asking for since June to house the team had no rooms available.  The team would be arriving the following Wednesday.  We believe that a part of the vision for the Family Life Center is the ability to also “house and care for” missionary teams and visitors who minister here.  We felt The Lord was prompting us at this time to move in that direction.  

 FLC Dorm Room -sleeps 6
4 single beds, 1 bunk bed set & clothes cupboards
Many things had to be done, including organizing space in our home and at the center to house 14 people.  We had one set of bunk beds donated by a friend here, but would still need to construct 4 more single beds.  Thanks to some additional help and a bit of lumber, that was accomplished too. Our living room was transformed into a dorm room to sleep 6 singles, and our extra bedroom was prepared for the married couple.  

Living room turns dorm room
Sleeps 6
Much hard work and decision making had to be done in a very short period of time.  We had a few people helping, who did a wonderful job, and fact is - we couldn’t have done it without them.  We feel very blessed.  Kathi worked, without lifting anything heavy, right alongside of other ladies 15 years her younger.  Just prior to the team's arrival we learned eight team members had chosen to stay in a local hotel instead.  We believe because of personal uncertainties they felt, but we were expecting them all, and we prepared for them all.

Whatever gift God has given you...give it away!
Freely you have received; freely give! 
The two days spent ministering to 45- 50 children went great.  There was much being given away to the children through the gifts, talents, service and love of those involved.  The team, as often happens on a missions trip, felt they had been ministered to more than they had ministered.  We did our best to spoil them while they were with us. Kathi has been a real testimony of God’s goodness as she not only worked hard physically but also ministered out of her own life, love, and teaching to several of the ladies. As she ministered God’s Word, and her own testimony, some of the ladies began to repent to one another for offenses they had with one another.  It was truly a God ordained time.

Our heart is to serve our King and Lord as He wills. This time was just another piece of the vision He has given us being fulfilled. On the last day before the evening service, we just came before our Papa God with a grateful heart for His goodness.  His presence filled the room. Kathi was lying on the floor just worshipping, and I could only weep at all He has done for us and through us.

The team left Saturday morning, August 11 and I think we may sleep for a couple of days… LOL. It was wonderful, but tiring.

We want to again personally thank those of you who obeyed God in helping to provide the finances for Kathi’s surgery. We are so very grateful and know that God has an amazing blessing for you because of your obedience.

Zoti ju bekoftë, God Bless you!