Tuesday, November 27, 2012

It’s Time to Move
We were informed by our landlord that our rent would be increasing by 100 euro or about $140 per month. This caused us to begin looking for another place to live. We found a place by God’s grace within about 2 hours of starting to look.

The house is newer, with many upgrades from where we were. It has more space than the current one and we are the first to live in it. It was rebuilt 2 years ago and everything is new. The best part is we got it for the same price we are currently paying. Praise God for an upgrade without an increase in rent! We have been slowly moving our things and take occupancy on Oct.21.

We have been sensing a time of change is upon us. God is moving us to spend even more time with Him this winter and renew our strength and vision. As we have been moving toward this place, God is restoring some old relationships that were broken.  One teen-age girl, who had been coming to church, stopped when she started high school, due to peer pressure. She had given some weak excuse for not coming and we were sad but had to let her go. This past week we invited her to a special meeting sponsored by one of the other local churches. They had a team in from the U.K. and had advertised a healing time on Tuesday night. In talking with her uncle I learned she had been having a terrible time with asthma. I told him she needed to be there and he agreed. She came and at the end of the meeting they were praying for people who wanted a greater sensing of Holy Spirit in their life. The pastor said, “Those of you who are not from here but have come as missionaries go lay hands on those with their hands raised”. She was one nearest us so we prayed a very complex prayer, “come Holy Spirit”! We could feel Holy Spirit almost immediately. After, I asked her if she felt Holy Spirit and she said yes. I then asked if she had missed that in her life, knowing she had felt it before, and she said yes with tears in her eyes. She then asked the team for prayer for night terrors she had been having. Her mother had taken her to a Muslim holy man and he had given her a little idol to carry with her, and one for under her pillow for this fear that had gripped her so. I asked her how that was working for her and she said it had been three weeks and they were still as bad as ever. The team members, along with us, prayed against that spirit and advised her to get rid of those idols. She gave them to us and we burned them. The next time we saw her was Thursday evening. We took her to a youth night with the same team from the U.K. She looked very different; she was happy and seemed lighter. We asked her how she felt physically and she said she was much better. We asked about the night terrors and she said they were gone! Praise God! 
She shared with us that when she got to high school she didn't want to be the stupid girl who believed in Jesus as all her classmates had labeled her. She wanted someone to love her so she started doing the things the other, “popular” girls were doing. Going to Christian church was not one of them…remember, this is a Muslim land, they say. She realized that even though she was more popular, still no one loved her. She said she was tired of chasing after the approval of others and wanted to find her way back to Jesus. We told her the way and she prayed to Him and renewed her commitment right there. She has totally changed since she used to work with the children with Danielle. She was always shy and quiet, and now she is testifying and has a desire to work with a youth group. She told us today that she had a good teacher in Danielle and wants to help others like Danielle helped her. Praise God!
You never know the impact you have on a person’s life at the moment you are being God’s hands, but sooner or later we will see. Let this be an encouragement to you, if you are struggling to see the fruit of your labors - look up!

Sunday, 9-16-2012, Toni stopped by the house while Kath and I were out working in the yard. He complained of a headache and neck pain so we prayed right there in the front yard. His pain was gone and he went away smiling and praising God. An hour later Samir stopped by on his way home from a different church. We talked a little and he shared that he had stomach pain. We prayed, again in the front yard in the midst of garden work, and he was healed and happy. Praise God for His gift/ birthright to His children!
Sunday, 9-30-2012, I preached healing and gave testimonies of healings, at Eternity Church, which is another local church here in Gjakova. After service we laid hands on people, prayed and God did miracles. One young lady had knee and foot pain from an injury acquired playing soccer. After we prayed for her we asked her how does your knee feel now? She was so excited she could only cry. The pain was gone and she had freedom of movement. I tried to get her to testify before the people and she said, “I can’t talk”. She was so excited and amazed at Papa’s love she could hardly get out the testimony. Another older lady, pastor’s mom, we prayed for her spine. Three days later she said the pain was much better and only comes and goes. We will continue to pray. We prayed for 4 people including one 8 year old boy for fear issues and one woman for her upcoming test at University. No reports on those two.
10-08-2012 Fatimje hurt her shoulder two weeks prior while lifting her father, who was being ceremonially washed for burial. She was in continuous pain and could not lift her arm without severe pain. We prayed and anointed her with oil. We felt Holy Spirit very quickly. Holy Spirit knocked her to the floor. She got up completely healed. Praise God! This happened in our kitchen.
10-20-2012 Berati had hurt his back playing soccer. We prayed and released Holy Spirit and healing. He said his legs were very weak as he felt Holy Spirit come upon him. After he said his back was healed! Praise God!!!!!

Thank you for your ongoing support and prayers. You make it possible for us to be God’s hands and feet here. God Bless you!

Al and Kathi

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Recovering, Grace, and Gratitude

Praise God, He is faithful.  Kathi’s surgery went well and her recovery even better.  She expressed how "amazing" God was throughout the entire process. She said there was no fear, only much peace and security, and could feel The Lord with her through every step.  At two weeks after her surgery we have just finished caring for a mission’s team with two packed-full days of ministry, not to mention the very hard work that we put in for 4 days to prepare for their arrival.  
Friday, August 3, we were notified that the place we had been asking for since June to house the team had no rooms available.  The team would be arriving the following Wednesday.  We believe that a part of the vision for the Family Life Center is the ability to also “house and care for” missionary teams and visitors who minister here.  We felt The Lord was prompting us at this time to move in that direction.  

 FLC Dorm Room -sleeps 6
4 single beds, 1 bunk bed set & clothes cupboards
Many things had to be done, including organizing space in our home and at the center to house 14 people.  We had one set of bunk beds donated by a friend here, but would still need to construct 4 more single beds.  Thanks to some additional help and a bit of lumber, that was accomplished too. Our living room was transformed into a dorm room to sleep 6 singles, and our extra bedroom was prepared for the married couple.  

Living room turns dorm room
Sleeps 6
Much hard work and decision making had to be done in a very short period of time.  We had a few people helping, who did a wonderful job, and fact is - we couldn’t have done it without them.  We feel very blessed.  Kathi worked, without lifting anything heavy, right alongside of other ladies 15 years her younger.  Just prior to the team's arrival we learned eight team members had chosen to stay in a local hotel instead.  We believe because of personal uncertainties they felt, but we were expecting them all, and we prepared for them all.

Whatever gift God has given you...give it away!
Freely you have received; freely give! 
The two days spent ministering to 45- 50 children went great.  There was much being given away to the children through the gifts, talents, service and love of those involved.  The team, as often happens on a missions trip, felt they had been ministered to more than they had ministered.  We did our best to spoil them while they were with us. Kathi has been a real testimony of God’s goodness as she not only worked hard physically but also ministered out of her own life, love, and teaching to several of the ladies. As she ministered God’s Word, and her own testimony, some of the ladies began to repent to one another for offenses they had with one another.  It was truly a God ordained time.

Our heart is to serve our King and Lord as He wills. This time was just another piece of the vision He has given us being fulfilled. On the last day before the evening service, we just came before our Papa God with a grateful heart for His goodness.  His presence filled the room. Kathi was lying on the floor just worshipping, and I could only weep at all He has done for us and through us.

The team left Saturday morning, August 11 and I think we may sleep for a couple of days… LOL. It was wonderful, but tiring.

We want to again personally thank those of you who obeyed God in helping to provide the finances for Kathi’s surgery. We are so very grateful and know that God has an amazing blessing for you because of your obedience.

Zoti ju bekoftë, God Bless you!

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Productive week!
 This week at the Family Life Training Center we started the Family Assisted Care and Training Sessions (FACTS).   It’s a 9:00am – 3:00pm routine schedule of activities that includes 2 meals.  Three families (3 moms, 9 children) are involved at this time.

The day starts at 9:00am with showers and preparing breakfast.  Since many families do not have running water in the home, let alone showers, one mom is bathing and instructing her children how to clean themselves, while another is working to prepare breakfast.  It never ceases to amaze how people who usually eat only a few times a week, change when they are fed twice a day 3 times a week.

 After breakfast is brushing of teeth and getting ready for a devotional time. Devotional times are for the whole family and involve testimonies, personal prayer and training on praying for one another.

 After devotions comes some school work. During the summer months there is no school so we practice numbers, letters, colors, writing, and other basics to give some added confidence, and show the importance of education. When school starts we hope to have volunteers to give more individual help with homework, etc.

After school work the children are ready for some physical activity. They do group exercises and play physical games.

Next up is story time. A story is read to them to help stimulate their imagination and encourage reading. 
After story time comes quiet time. This time may be used by the children to rest/ sleep, read, or just sit quietly and consider the story of the day.

After rest time comes Art or Music time. Again to stimulate creativity the children are given some project choices and let their mind expand into the craft or art project of the day. This time is alternated with a music time.  Lessons on the drum, tambourine, or shaker bells give them a sense of timing, and teach them how we worship.

2:30 is lunch time, where they also practice please, thank you, how to use their utensils, and clear their plates.  They then clean themselves up, brush their teeth, and play until their moms finish cleaning up and it’s time to go home.

We were able to buy a “tapani”. This is a small, round, electric oven designed for a specific style baking pan called a “tepsi”. The bread dough is prepared, formed into 20 mounds the size of a softball, and put into the tepsi.  After the dough rises, the tepsi  goes into the tapani and in 30 minutes we have hot fresh bread. They call this grouping of small loaves “Kolaqi”. Bread is a staple food here and served with almost every meal.  For some, it is a meal.

Each of the moms has an area of responsibility with preparing lunch, making the bread for both that day’s lunch and for the next day for their homes, as well as an active part in the training of the children.  She also has access to the washing machine, another luxury they don’t have at home, if she desires.

Thursday one of the young boys kept pulling his shirt collar up to his nose. I asked him what he was doing and he said “Smell my shirt. It smells sooo good!” I guess laundering in a machine with laundry soap is better than hand washing without any soap. I can only imagine his reaction to fabric softener.

We also work with both the children and the moms on courtesy and respect for others. Our hope is to see productive Christian members of society growing and expanding the Kingdom of God here in Kosova.

Please pray:
We need volunteers to help with the work of the ministry, or the finances to hire staff. We will train them if they will only come with a heart to serve and work.  It is very difficult to find someone to help without pay because they need to work for food in their homes. A typical work day here is 12 hours long. We are doing this program for 6 hours in the middle of the day.

Our van needs some transmission work, about $1000 worth. It is worthy as it is a 2004 VW transporter with a turbo diesel engine and serves the ministry daily.

Pray that Jesus is who is seen in us, those who are working with these families, and the ones to come. Our desire is to see Him lifted up and the people to know He is their provider.

Pray in finances as it does take money for food, soap, shampoo, detergent, etc.

Our need for a new facility is becoming increasingly evident. Please pray God would open the door for a different location.

Several families in the church are in desperate need of housing. Please pray God will open doors for them, and remain in the area they are now.
Thank you!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Shift in the atmosphere.
Last week was a good week.  Kathi had been struggling with some health issues for several weeks.  We went to see the Dr. and he gave her some medication.  After 8 days the medication still had not resolved the problem.  We asked some additional people to stand with us in prayer for healing. On Wednesday, two specific groups, the church in Vlora, Albania and the women’s group here in Gjakova came into agreement for her healing.  Neither group knew the other was praying, and we also learned that both groups were praying through the same scripture.  The same day Kathi received her healing and started to regain strength and peace of mind.  Praise God for prayer warriors.

One of the men who had been in and out of the church recently came to us with a prayer request for his wife.  She had been bleeding since the birth of their child over a year ago, and has become very weak.  A few days ago she passed out, and hit her head when she fell.  He took her to have x-rays and invited us to come and pray for her.  The next day she said the bleeding had stopped and she was beginning to feel better.  We were also able to take some supplements and specific foods to help her regain her strength and health.  Praise God that as we give away the healing that He gives us healing. Her husband came to us the second day and with tears in his eyes was repenting and saying how he had not been trusting God, and how much he missed being part of the church.  He asked how he could serve the church and wants to become a more active part. Praise God!

One couple in church has had an interesting turn of events in their home. They live in one room on the back side of his family’s house. They have no running water or bathroom facility of their own. They have been carrying in water from outside and were using the outside toilet belonging to the family.  A brother who was living in another country, and is a devoted Muslim, was recently deported back to Kosova.  He moved into the family house and began to cause problems for this couple.  He is refusing to allow the children to use the outside toilet and the wife to draw water there. This is because they are claiming to be Christian and he wants to show them how bad their life has gotten since they “changed their religion”.  The brothers actually got into a fight, the police were called, and the husband of this couple was taken into custody and beaten for causing trouble.  We have been asked to pray for this situation, and to help fund a plumbing project to get running water, drain tile, and a toilet for them. The cost of this project will be about 500 USD.  Please pray with us, and see how God would have you help, and what portion of this project you can support.  God supplies through His people.

We were able to get a new windshield for the van last week.  Praise God for His provision.

There seems to be a new level of receptivity among the people we are working with. We believe God is “transforming their minds” as Romans 12:2 speaks of a renewed mind.

Please continue to pray for the church in Gjakova as well as the church in Kosova. We are seeing mission teams coming in with other churches.  Pray that the work of evangelism and service would have lasting effects in this region.

Pray God would show us the next steps to fulfilling His vision through us and the support to do so.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Last week a couple of the young men helped Al paint the corridor of the Family Life Center. They were both very ambitious in helping and the task was soon accomplished. I felt I was not offer pay and only ask for help, and to encourage them that as they serve God and His house He would reward them greatly.  One of the young men had received work every day for the rest of that week and most of this week. The other picked up 2 half days of work which netted him 15 euro plus part of another day netting him 2 euro. Most men work here for 10 euro per day. Praise God for confirming His word. The one young man brought some of his money to me to hold for him because he wants to go to a youth conference this summer and asked me to help him save for it!  This is awesome because it is a mind shift from an “entitlement” mentality to an “accountability” mentality.
Thank you Jesus for allowing us to see the fruit of transformed minds.
This week we changed our meeting time to Saturday evening to allow for the men, who all have jobs, to come to service.  They are usually working on Sunday morning!!!!!
One of the ladies, who is pregnant, came to church last night with a burning pain in her abdomen.  She was fearful for the baby and thought she should go to the hospital, but wanted to wait until after service.  Saturday, she told Kathi she had a dream the night before that Jesus told her this baby would be delivered healthy. We prayed for her, recalling the promise in her dream, and went in for worship. During worship Kathi felt led to call her up front and pray again for her “in the midst of the worshipping congregation”, (Heb. 2:12 ref.). Kathi released healing and health to her body and to her baby. After service we asked her how she felt and she replied, “My stomach no longer hurts or burns, I only have a little head ache.”  We prayed again and the headache was gone!!!  She did not feel any need to go to the hospital. Praise Jesus for His healing power.
Saturday, Kathi took 5 women to a seminar here in Gjakova at the SMILE Center. They all had a good time together and were encouraged with the word shared by guest speaker, Mary Knight, from the U.K. Collected and cleaned empty bottles turned into beautiful vases give the ladies a sense of creativity and accomplishment!

We are seeing God move on people’s hearts and minds. This is awesome to see and a little hard as well. God allows struggles to come to strengthen us. It is difficult to watch those we love go through the struggles that they alone, in Christ, can conquer. We know on the other side they will be stronger and walk in greater anointing for His Kingdom’s sake.
Please pray;
One of the ladies who is pregnant was told her husband will not be paid for another 1 ½ months from his job. Please pray for provision in that home.
Another pregnant lady who lives with an abusive husband needs prayer for God to change her husband’s heart and bring safety and security to her and their children.
Yet another family, actually two brothers, their wives and 8 children with one on the way, need a home. The house the live in has been sold and the landlord is coming to tear the house down. Due to lack of finances in the home they cannot afford to move. Please pray God will send the finances and they will find a place they can afford to live. UPGRADED!
Please pray for wisdom as we serve those around us with the finances we have. Pray God will continue to increase our finances and our ability to serve and fulfill His vision for Kosova.
Please pray that employers would pay their workers for the work they do. Many are working for 1 – 2 months w/o pay and hanging on a promise of “next week I will pay you”.

James 5 Amplified Bible (AMP)
1COME NOW, you rich [people], weep aloud and lament over the miseries (the woes) that are surely coming upon you.
    2Your abundant wealth has rotted and is ruined, and your [many] garments have become moth-eaten.
    3Your gold and silver are completely rusted through, and their rust will be testimony against you and it will devour your flesh as if it were fire. You have heaped together treasure for the last days.
    4[But] look! [Here are] the wages that you have withheld by fraud from the laborers who have reaped your fields, crying out [for vengeance]; and the cries of the harvesters have come to the ears of the Lord of hosts.
    5[Here] on earth you have abandoned yourselves to soft (prodigal) living and to [the pleasures of] self-indulgence and self-gratification. You have fattened your hearts in a day of slaughter.
    6You have condemned and have murdered the righteous (innocent man), [while] he offers no resistance to you.
Al and Kathi

Saturday, April 7, 2012

March went fast!

The girls went to a conference!
Kathi made her first journey, both driving more than 10 miles here and out of the country without Al. Kathi took 5 of the women with her to a women’s conference in Podgredec Albania. Driving here is much different than driving in America. Driving here is very stressful most of the time. We are so happy she made the 9 hour, one way, journey safe and sound!
Testimonies from the conference include; one woman who had a dream the night before the conference that Kathi had said she should quit smoking. When she arrived at the conference she found they did not allow smoking on the grounds of the school. She talked with several ladies at the conference that God used to speak to her that she should quit. She heard and chose to obey the Word she felt God was speaking and quit smoking!!! Praise God!
Another of our ladies has had a very “colorful” past to say the least. She went to this conference a little apprehensive and not really sure what to expect. She admitted hearing about God speaking to people but didn’t understand or even believe it to be more than something people just say. The second night during worship God spoke to her and told her that “her past was forgiven and her chains were broken.” Then so was she! As she wept she received healing and deliverance from her past. She was also able to, for the first time, take communion worthily. The Bible says if we have offense in our hearts and we take communion in an unworthy fashion we drink a curse upon ourselves. She was able to forgive those who had hurt her and release them from the bondage she had created in her heart. This paved the way for her own personal healing. God is so awesome!

Matthew 21:15-16 Out of the mouths of babes..
One of the boys, 10 years old, came to church last week hardly able to wait to share a testimony. He was praying that his father would stop drinking so much and come to church. This boy who has seen visions and heard the voice of the Lord said “Jesus answered me and said, don’t worry about this, your father will soon become a believer” !!!!!!!!! Hallelujah!

Awesome God!
God continues to heal hearts and physical bodies in our midst. As we lay hands on and pray the prayers of faith, God is there to heal and encourage people. Kathi is also seeing physical healings within the women’s group. Even the visitors are getting healed and touched in their hearts.

The Kids just keep coming!
The people working with the children’s ministry are constantly amazed at the hunger they see in the children. They are reporting of changed hearts in some and a true desire to worship and pray in others. Some of the children, due to pressure at home, come with attitudes against Christianity. Some stop coming for a while but return with a more open heart. We believe God is touching them as they see a difference in us and those who hold to their “father’s religion”. They are softening and even asking to pray where before they wouldn’t even accept the teachings.  God is moving on the hearts of the children!

Please pray for;
Direction on different building, we have outgrown the one we have.
Finances to do what God has called us to do.
People to be raised up to help work the vision of Bashekesia e Ungjillit, Fellowship of The Gospel church.
Wisdom to apply all the above.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Time flies when you’re having fun!
Blessed with a new job!
Praise God! He is the God Jehovah Jireh, our Provider. We received a call last week asking if we could help make supply to one of the families in the church. The reason was because he had started a steady job and needed help until he gets paid next month!! Again this is very exciting because of the 46% average of unemployment in this land not to mention the 81% rate among the Roma people. At Sunday morning service we found out his brother, who lives in the same house, had found a job as well and began Monday!  Praise God!  We also learned one of the ladies from church had work in a restaurant. God truly is the God Who provides.  Every household in the church now has employment…this is transformation!

Praise and Worship
This week we started getting back to a more regular routine with a Sunday morning praise and worship service.  Sunday morning seems to work best for most of these, now employed, people. It was another great time of praise, following a midweek worship service Wednesday, and many were excited to be joined together and focusing on God. We had several visitors in each service and could feel Holy Spirit moving on the people and through us. We prayed for one woman, who was visiting for the first time. She had been suffering with pain in her back shoulders and neck.  After we prayed for her she said she could feel a tingling from her head down her spine. We asked if this felt like a good thing or a bad thing and she said without reservation it was good. Praise God! We believe God was touching her physically. She has a great hunger to come to church and learn more about this Christ we serve. God is drawing people in and demonstrating His power!

The House of God
We are still seeking God’s perfect will for a building to operate out of. The Family Life Center is rapidly growing too small. While this is a good problem to have we need wisdom from Him on how to proceed.  We need the perfect location as well as the perfect structure to accomplish all He has for us to do.

Feeding and educating
Literally a hands on ministry
God put on one lady’s heart to buy a new sewing machine for training women how to sew. Sewing is an employable skill, not to mention very handy in the home. We will begin the sewing classes very soon.

We also need God to raise up workers. While getting a job here is a blessing, most have to work 7 days a week and 10-12 hours for little money, around $200 U.S. We need people who can work with us who are self supported or the finances to hire staff. We could hire for $250 U.S. per month some help with the children’s and feeding programs. Please pray and see how God would have you help.

Also, don't forget to check out and sign in on our new web page. http://www.changedbyhislovebug.org

Sunday, February 19, 2012



We came back to Kosova and one of the worst snows in 30 years. We got near 5 feet of snow over a 3 day period. This shut down most forms of transport other than walking. We were without running water for 7 days due to freezing. The price of firewood, the main heat source in Kosova, has tripled since the snow fell.

Al was able to get out Wednesday and check on those whom we serve and are the most poor in the church. Most are huddling together to conserve supplies and heat. Those with the greatest need are staying with family as they can.

Having been in the U.S. for 3 months we have extra wood to distribute that was purchased last spring, to help see folks through the worst part of the remaining cold. 

We hired two men from the church to dig out our road yesterday. The city is barely able to clean the main roads and ours is very low priority since it is a dead end with only 6 houses on it. Our neighbors could not understand why we would do this. They said, “you can get to the store on foot and you have the wood you need, why are you paying someone to clean the road? The city will clean eventually”. I told them because God sent us here to help and take care of others as well as ourselves. We need to be able to get the vehicle out to help those in need. Also I said these men, between the two of them, have 8 children to feed and neither have work. It is good for them, good for others we serve, and good for our neighborhood. One man, who lives next door and has had very little to say to me in 3 years, walked with me down the alley yesterday and I could tell he was trying to understand why I would do this. I know there is an open door coming soon to share Christ's love. He knows of our faith and is seeing it put to action.

We were finally able to dig the van out yesterday, Saturday, so we could make some additional food provisions for some folks.

One family of 6 has no wood or food. The road situation prevented us from getting even a wheel barrel through to the house. The husband hurt himself digging through the snow and can't move very well. We will dig more later.

We were able to get the van up to the next block over last night, where the mom and two boys were able to meet us to receive food supplies and a hot prepared supper.  The van only got stuck once along the way!

 A woman, who has been very faithful in the church and with the children's ministry, came today to our home. She has no work now for 2 months and is out of wood to heat her home and has little food. She is living with her parents to feed her son and herself. She came today to ask for help with prescriptions for her father who has cancer. The cost of his medication, which should be free from the government but is stolen by the pharmacists, cost 28 euro ($40) for 2 days worth of medicine. The doctors say there is nothing they can do for him. Our heart breaks for the lack we see and the greed that fuels it here.

We have a great need for another location for the Family Life Center. The facility we have has been outgrown for some time. The empty store we had been praying about has since been rented as a furniture store. We have found a large house for sale, nearly three times what we have now and in the area we are targeting.  This property could provide the much needed space for worship services, the feeding ministry, the learning and skills training center and even some temporary housing as needed! 

Please continue to pray with us for God's perfect will for this place, or another He would have for us.
Pray also for provision for the people of Gjakova and Kosova during this time of great need.  Pray also for the families who have lost loved ones in this storm.