Saturday, January 29, 2011

Holiday Happenings!

There were some exciting events that took place over the holidays, and we would like to share them now!

Christmas eve some of the local pastors got together for a celebration. I was invited, and the church, to join. Initially the plan was to have a catered meal to which I felt a check in my spirit.I felt the cost would limit who could be invited and shared this feeling with the organizing pastor. As I talked with Kathi about this we felt a prompting of the Lord to go a different direction. Our first worship service in the new Family Life Center location witnessed to both our spirits. We had been doing some ministry to that area from this location such as; children's ministry, averaging 40 children on Saturday mornings, Women's holiday social and even had the opportunity to feed several flood victim families a hot meal, two days in a row, a few weeks back.
 I knew God was prompting me to pray for the sick that night and worship but other than that I had no clue what He was about to do.
 We invited a few visitors who accepted the invitation without a lot of enthusiasm. In my great faith I set up about 12 chairs and a bench that would hold another 6 people just in case. I had to bring the chairs from the other church location. As I was setting up for worship on the computer the guests started arriving. VISITORS Yay! I went to the other room while some folks greeted the visitors and was busy about setting up for snacks after the service. I came back into the "Great room" ,as we are calling the area we use for ministry, and there were about 40 people!!!!!!! I asked a lady from the church to please do a head count as I wanted to make sure God received His glory. We welcomed everyone and began to worship God. They all joined in, only a few Christians  mind you, and sang the songs the best they could clapping and singing out of time, It was beautiful. I could barely hold back the tears as I worshiped and thought about how great God is and how nothing else but seeing people who don't yet know Him come together and sing worship to Him and here His Word would make up for not being with my wife for Christmas for the first time in 31 years. I know He is faithful and will minister to the hearts of all who attended. I shared a short message covering the four spiritual laws and how Jesus was the gift we celebrate and called for those who had pain in their bodies. One lady had been vomitting every time she ate, we prayed and she felt relief in her stomach, another lady came with severe headache and intestinal problems and Jesus healed her headache and took away the abdominal pain. Another lady had severe neck and back pain, she said she couldn't walk 2 meters without pain and if she looked down she got so dizzy she would get sick or pass out. God healed her and she gave testimony, in front of the rest, and was walking tall and moving her head in every direction after prayer. One man got healing in his kidneys and another lady who had high blood pressure felt the peace of Jesus in her chest after we prayed. The landlord, who was also a visitor, is blind. We prayed for his eyes and although he could not see he said he "felt the peace of the spirit of God". We are continuing to pray for him.
After it was all over and only the a few of us were left the people who were taking count came to me and said, when we started worship there were 46 people by the end there were 70 only 6 of which had ever been to church before. Hallelujah!!!!!!!!!!
 I know it's not about the numbers, but it is about souls. I know God reached down from heaven and touched some peoples lives last night and used me in the process. Praise God! Thank you Papa!