Sunday, March 14, 2010

Testimony of the week!

I don't know if I told you about Astrit's testimony with the electric company. I had preached a little bit on James 1 and considering it all joy. That next day he came home from work to find the electric company had shut off the families electric. His mom was crying and nervous, his sister was all upset because of mother. He said he began to laugh, which he has been doing a lot, because he new God was in control and he just rejoiced in the Lord because of the previous teaching. Later that night while having coffee with his cousin he decided to check his e-mail and a friend had sent him 326.66 euro. The electric company said for 200 euro they would reconnect and they did. He had some other things he needed to care for so the money was a true blessing. I had him share this testimony just last week. He had to work the previous Sunday and it was very difficult for me not to share but I waited for him.
This week a lady who has been coming for a few weeks, who is desperately poor, had a similar experience. She lives in this new area where I believe God is sending us to work. When we visited her house there was a small dead rat on the floor of the home. The floor is dirt covered with rugs and she recently had some flooding problems IN the house. So we thought as we walked in that maybe a cat or something had brought it but they didn't bother moving it. Fact they stepped on it twice and didn't even notice. This made the exterminator in me a little uneasy until I saw the cockroaches crawling out of the cabinet in broad daylight.
Anyway..... The power company came to her house this week and shut off her electric. Having just heard Astrit's testimony she started rejoicing and even asked the power company workers if they would like a coffee! They declined. Then she went out to the middle of her, yard for lack of a better term, and started rejoicing that her power was being cut off. Her neighbors, who are mostly family, told her she was crazy but she said Jesus was her source and He would take care of her. Her husband came home and thought she had lost her mind but she said if God did it for Astrit then He would do it for her. The next day the power company came and reconnected her electricity WITHOUT PAYMENT. Praise God.
Now while we have told the folks at church God wants them to pay their bills not everyone can afford to. Praise God for His faithfulness. Just happened that today's preaching was on James 1 also. This lady had a new freedom in worship today and was much more vocal during the Word, with agreement and amens!
God continues to amaze us in all areas. We made the faith declarations that pastor Daryl had sent us and we could tell the people believed it!
Violetta, whose husband received the healing in his back last week, came asking for prayer for her hand. She had been shot in the back of her shoulder and has been unable to use her hand or arm for much. We have been praying for this and she is starting to feel a difference and more movement in her hand. She hadn't been getting prayer regularly but this week , maybe because of the testimony of her husband, she came again. She says she feels the Lord touching her but is making slow gains. We ask you continue to pray with us for complete healing of Violetta's hand and arm.
Al and Kathi