Monday, September 13, 2010

New and Exciting News!

 With the changing of the season, a new school year begins and so does our new kids program! This weekend, we started a new kids program, having Saturday morning children's church for all of the kids we have been reaching out to, and more that want to join in! We had so much fun with the kids, and it was obvious that they were having fun too! We were able to incorporate a teaching into fun activities, music, games, and snacks, and every game winner got to pick out a special prize to take home! We are hoping that the ministry to these children will overflow into their homes, and draw the parents in with the love of Jesus.

 September promises to bring many wonderful blessings from God! And it has already begun!
After we had finished the morning with the children, we were able to visit with one of the families in the church for a bit. When we arrived, the sisters' 1 month old baby, Jona, was sick and had not been sleeping. Kathi took Jona in her arms and prayed for God to touch and heal her. Less than 10 minutes later, the baby was sleeping in Kathi's arms, healed! Praise God! This was such a testimony to the parents and family as well, of God's love and mercy!

Kathi and Jona
Simon says raise your hands!
Good Morning God!!
Dancing for Jesus!