Saturday, June 30, 2012

Productive week!
 This week at the Family Life Training Center we started the Family Assisted Care and Training Sessions (FACTS).   It’s a 9:00am – 3:00pm routine schedule of activities that includes 2 meals.  Three families (3 moms, 9 children) are involved at this time.

The day starts at 9:00am with showers and preparing breakfast.  Since many families do not have running water in the home, let alone showers, one mom is bathing and instructing her children how to clean themselves, while another is working to prepare breakfast.  It never ceases to amaze how people who usually eat only a few times a week, change when they are fed twice a day 3 times a week.

 After breakfast is brushing of teeth and getting ready for a devotional time. Devotional times are for the whole family and involve testimonies, personal prayer and training on praying for one another.

 After devotions comes some school work. During the summer months there is no school so we practice numbers, letters, colors, writing, and other basics to give some added confidence, and show the importance of education. When school starts we hope to have volunteers to give more individual help with homework, etc.

After school work the children are ready for some physical activity. They do group exercises and play physical games.

Next up is story time. A story is read to them to help stimulate their imagination and encourage reading. 
After story time comes quiet time. This time may be used by the children to rest/ sleep, read, or just sit quietly and consider the story of the day.

After rest time comes Art or Music time. Again to stimulate creativity the children are given some project choices and let their mind expand into the craft or art project of the day. This time is alternated with a music time.  Lessons on the drum, tambourine, or shaker bells give them a sense of timing, and teach them how we worship.

2:30 is lunch time, where they also practice please, thank you, how to use their utensils, and clear their plates.  They then clean themselves up, brush their teeth, and play until their moms finish cleaning up and it’s time to go home.

We were able to buy a “tapani”. This is a small, round, electric oven designed for a specific style baking pan called a “tepsi”. The bread dough is prepared, formed into 20 mounds the size of a softball, and put into the tepsi.  After the dough rises, the tepsi  goes into the tapani and in 30 minutes we have hot fresh bread. They call this grouping of small loaves “Kolaqi”. Bread is a staple food here and served with almost every meal.  For some, it is a meal.

Each of the moms has an area of responsibility with preparing lunch, making the bread for both that day’s lunch and for the next day for their homes, as well as an active part in the training of the children.  She also has access to the washing machine, another luxury they don’t have at home, if she desires.

Thursday one of the young boys kept pulling his shirt collar up to his nose. I asked him what he was doing and he said “Smell my shirt. It smells sooo good!” I guess laundering in a machine with laundry soap is better than hand washing without any soap. I can only imagine his reaction to fabric softener.

We also work with both the children and the moms on courtesy and respect for others. Our hope is to see productive Christian members of society growing and expanding the Kingdom of God here in Kosova.

Please pray:
We need volunteers to help with the work of the ministry, or the finances to hire staff. We will train them if they will only come with a heart to serve and work.  It is very difficult to find someone to help without pay because they need to work for food in their homes. A typical work day here is 12 hours long. We are doing this program for 6 hours in the middle of the day.

Our van needs some transmission work, about $1000 worth. It is worthy as it is a 2004 VW transporter with a turbo diesel engine and serves the ministry daily.

Pray that Jesus is who is seen in us, those who are working with these families, and the ones to come. Our desire is to see Him lifted up and the people to know He is their provider.

Pray in finances as it does take money for food, soap, shampoo, detergent, etc.

Our need for a new facility is becoming increasingly evident. Please pray God would open the door for a different location.

Several families in the church are in desperate need of housing. Please pray God will open doors for them, and remain in the area they are now.
Thank you!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Shift in the atmosphere.
Last week was a good week.  Kathi had been struggling with some health issues for several weeks.  We went to see the Dr. and he gave her some medication.  After 8 days the medication still had not resolved the problem.  We asked some additional people to stand with us in prayer for healing. On Wednesday, two specific groups, the church in Vlora, Albania and the women’s group here in Gjakova came into agreement for her healing.  Neither group knew the other was praying, and we also learned that both groups were praying through the same scripture.  The same day Kathi received her healing and started to regain strength and peace of mind.  Praise God for prayer warriors.

One of the men who had been in and out of the church recently came to us with a prayer request for his wife.  She had been bleeding since the birth of their child over a year ago, and has become very weak.  A few days ago she passed out, and hit her head when she fell.  He took her to have x-rays and invited us to come and pray for her.  The next day she said the bleeding had stopped and she was beginning to feel better.  We were also able to take some supplements and specific foods to help her regain her strength and health.  Praise God that as we give away the healing that He gives us healing. Her husband came to us the second day and with tears in his eyes was repenting and saying how he had not been trusting God, and how much he missed being part of the church.  He asked how he could serve the church and wants to become a more active part. Praise God!

One couple in church has had an interesting turn of events in their home. They live in one room on the back side of his family’s house. They have no running water or bathroom facility of their own. They have been carrying in water from outside and were using the outside toilet belonging to the family.  A brother who was living in another country, and is a devoted Muslim, was recently deported back to Kosova.  He moved into the family house and began to cause problems for this couple.  He is refusing to allow the children to use the outside toilet and the wife to draw water there. This is because they are claiming to be Christian and he wants to show them how bad their life has gotten since they “changed their religion”.  The brothers actually got into a fight, the police were called, and the husband of this couple was taken into custody and beaten for causing trouble.  We have been asked to pray for this situation, and to help fund a plumbing project to get running water, drain tile, and a toilet for them. The cost of this project will be about 500 USD.  Please pray with us, and see how God would have you help, and what portion of this project you can support.  God supplies through His people.

We were able to get a new windshield for the van last week.  Praise God for His provision.

There seems to be a new level of receptivity among the people we are working with. We believe God is “transforming their minds” as Romans 12:2 speaks of a renewed mind.

Please continue to pray for the church in Gjakova as well as the church in Kosova. We are seeing mission teams coming in with other churches.  Pray that the work of evangelism and service would have lasting effects in this region.

Pray God would show us the next steps to fulfilling His vision through us and the support to do so.